Community Guidelines
Tribe is an inclusive, non-discriminative platform with the goal to provide equal opportunities in the health and social care industry as well as providing the best support possible in your community. All users must adhere to the Tribe Terms of Service, Tribe Agreement and Community Guidelines.
Tribe Agreement
It's easy to hide behind technology. Please use Tribe in a constructive way and be kind and helpful when communicating on behalf of Tribe and in and around the community.
You do not tolerate hate, racism, abuse, hateful language, or discrimination of any form. Please do not judge others - respect that everyone is different.
The people you are in contact with are members of your community. Respect that everyone may not be the same as you, have different views, and are on different paths in life.
You prohibit any activity within Tribe that could take advantage of someone else's misfortune or vulnerabilities. From scams to accepting gifts, you are here to help provide a safe place for the most vulnerable in your community.
You prohibit any activity within Tribe that could hurt another Tribe member. From sending hateful content to physical abuse, you shall endeavour to prevent all forms of safeguarding incidents and protect your community.
You have a duty and responsibility to maintain the decency of the Tribe community. If you spot anything that can be deemed as a hate-crime, harmful, hurtful or highlights any safeguarding issues, you must report it.
Care & Quality Standards
Tribe doesn't directly employ the carers and support providers we work with, instead, we match customers who require care and support with those from our network. All paid care and support providers on the Tribe platform are assessed before being allowed to perform duties for our customers and go through the required training and standards that Tribe sets out in line with the Health & Social Care Act.
Tribe facilitates and help's you manage your care and support, as stress-free as possible, through the applied use of Tribe's technology and extensive support network.
Everybody on Tribe adhere to the Tribe Terms of Service, Tribe Agreement and Community Guidelines to perform at the highest standard possible. Our care and support providers, along with family members, social workers, informal carers, and local authorities, manage the care and support through Tribe's platform. This includes personal care, risk assessments, service agreements, continuation of care assessments and anything else required to make sure the recipient is safe, happy and comfortable.
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an independent regulator that monitors and regulates health and social care services in England. The CQC's role is to ensure that these services meet fundamental standards of quality and safety, and to encourage care services to improve.
You may need to register with CQC if you provide, or intend to provide, health or adult social care activities in England. This is a legal requirement under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. You must apply to be registered even if you do not intend to provide those services on a regular or permanent basis.
To decide whether and how you need to register, please visit the Care Quality Commission guidelines.
If you provide paid care and support on Tribe, you may need to report your income to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). You may also need to set up a business with Companies House. Ensure you’re compliant with legal and tax obligations.
To decide whether and how you need to register, please visit HM Revenue and Customs.
Good Conduct
Tribe believes everyone using the Platform should conduct themselves well, and with honesty and integrity. We hope that by following these simple guidelines everyone using the Platform will demonstrate good standards of behaviour and attitude towards one another.
When you’re working in someone’s home, treat it well by respecting people’s spaces, possessions, and security.
Do not smoke or vape in people’s homes.
Never use drugs or drink alcohol before you begin work, or when you are working with someone, not even when you’re accompanying someone to a pub or restaurant as part of your work.
Never use abusive or offensive language or shout at people you support.
Honour your work commitments, agreements and arrangements and be reliable, dependable, and trustworthy. If you are unavoidably delayed let people know so they can make alternative arrangements if necessary.
Carry out the tasks and activities you have agreed to in ways you have discussed and recorded in a risk assessment and service agreement but be prepared to be flexible and responsive when things change.
Be honest with yourself and others about what you can and cannot do. Recognise your own abilities and don’t agree to do things you are uncomfortable to do.
Don’t allow your role or the tasks you perform to drift into other roles or tasks that you have not been checked or vetted to perform.
Always behave in a professional way and maintain professional boundaries, for example do not form inappropriate relationships with those you support or with other members of the household or bring your partner/children to work.
Never request or accept gifts, money, loans, or benefits from those you support or recommend services where you could financially gain. Doing so could be seen as abuse or exploitation, at the very least it could compromise you and your position. Agree this in advance so there is no confusion, and no-one feels offended when the issue arises.
If you are a support provider, don't over-charge people, offer a fair, competitive price that suits you both and invoice for your work regularly.
Agree in advance what arrangements will be made when you are on holiday or training so that people’s support isn’t interrupted.
Don’t use your mobile phone at work except in an emergency or where you are required to do so. It can be difficult to run a small business whilst also carrying out the work, but you should not take business calls whilst working with someone – those seeking to engage you will respect you more if your voicemail explains you are busy supporting someone and will call them back when you’re free.
If you need to use your own vehicle or another vehicle belonging to the household as part of your work, it’s up to you to make sure it’s safe and roadworthy, clean, and suitably insured for work purposes.
Privacy and Dignity
Tribe believes everyone has the right to expect to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
We believe dignity and respect begins with kindness, compassion and fairness and we expect anyone joining the Tribe Platform to share these values.
Anyone giving or receiving support should do so whilst respecting people’s personal preferences, lifestyles, relationships, and family life.
We expect any intimate personal support being delivered to be delivered sensitively in ways that preserve respect, dignity, and modesty at all times.
Any conversations about support needs should always be held with the person concerned (or their legally appointed representative or with their agreement, a family member or friend) in private, and never discussed with others.
Tribe expects all users to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and make sure any records contain information that is lawful, fair, and accurate, that the information gathered is genuinely needed for the purpose of providing good support, that records are kept private and secure and only retained for as long as they’re needed.
Sometimes support will involve helping someone with their employment so maintaining confidentiality will extend to professional work materials, as well as individual personal information.
Personal information including addresses or phone numbers should remain confidential and never be shared with anyone else without good reason, and prior consent from the person concerned.
This includes not sharing sensitive or confidential information via social media or messaging Apps.
Conversations should never be recorded, or photographs taken unless you are asked to do so by the person concerned, or their legal representative.
Communication and Recording
Tribe believes good communication is at the heart of everything we do and is one of our most valuable skills.
Communication is not just about talking - it’s also about listening. If we are willing to really listen, we will learn so much more.
Positive interaction is a two-way process that demands time and respect on both sides. We should always use respectful, non-judgement language and display a positive, kind attitude.
Tribe believes it’s important to be reflective in your communication because sometimes what we think we’ve said or heard might not be right, so check your understanding, by reflecting back.
Be especially careful when communicating via text, email, or messaging services. By their nature these messages are often brief and easier to misunderstand, and the tone can also sometimes seem unintentionally abrupt.
When communicating by phone make sure you are in a quiet private space so that your conversation can be open, and not overheard.
When recording conversations, decisions or instructions be clear and make sure both parties agree with what, and how something is written and presented. The same principles of positive, respectful language apply to written as well as verbal communications.
Self-employed carers who use electronic record keeping or communications (e.g., email to communicate with clients) should register with the Information Commissioners Office.
You can check whether you are required to register by completing their self-assessment tool.
Where it’s appropriate, sign and date documents to evidence joint agreement and to help you to know when the content of the document, such as a service agreement or risk assessment for example, might need to be reviewed.
Make sure any written documents are easily accessible to those who need to refer to them. If you use an electronic device to record important information, be sure others can access those files.
When personal information is no longer needed make sure you delete any confidential information from your IT equipment and/or shred any paper documents.
Miscommunication can be the biggest single reason for things going wrong and/or relationships failing, so good communication is essential to success.
Tribe strongly recommends you use the Tribe Learning Portal in this area to support your communication skills and find ways to prevent and resolve communication difficulties.
Person Centred Support
Tribe recognises that everyone using the Platform has their own individual strengths, assets, abilities, and resources and aims to support people to maximise those strengths and abilities and make the most of their resources and local communities to improve their wellbeing.
We believe those seeking support are experts in their own needs and circumstances and must always remain in control of their own lives, and expect anyone joining the Platform to share this belief.
Those offering support should be prepared to take their lead from those experts and collaborate to deliver support that is bespoke and enabling.
Sometimes support will be arranged on behalf of someone by a family member and/or a legally appointed representative, such as a deputy or attorney. This might mean a third person is involved in designing a service agreement. However, the individual should remain at the heart of the arrangement and be encouraged to express their preferences on how their support needs are met using their preferred communication method.
Support must meet individual needs and preferences and support people to live full lives and achieve the goals and outcomes that are important to them.
All and any support activity should be discussed and agreed upon between those involved (or their legal representative) in giving and receiving it. “Support Planner” in Tribe is one way to record what you have agreed.
Support providers should only agree to deliver the support they feel competent and confident to deliver.
Be prepared to adopt a ‘growth mindset’, an attitude that embraces taking time to fully know and respect each other and to learn how support can be delivered well. That might mean having to unlearn some stuff you thought you knew about people with particular needs or characteristics.
Where training is needed, agree on what, when, and where it will be sourced. Tribe Learning Portal is a good starting point. Training could also be delivered by healthcare professionals, occupational therapists, or others where someone’s needs call for it.
We all grow and evolve so be prepared for needs and preferences to change over time. Keep talking to each other and make sure support is keeping pace and that service agreements are up to date.
Positive Risk Taking
Taking risks is a normal part of everyday life for everyone. Some risks may seem small, others large or even reckless, but all can be carefully measured and mitigated. Positive risk taking is a process that starts with the identification of potential benefit or harm. The desired outcome is to encourage and support people in positive risk taking to achieve personal change or growth.
Tribe believes we should all adopt a positive attitude towards risk. We should be courageous, adaptive, and innovative.
When working with others on Tribe you will need to consider any risks associated with the tasks you are being asked to undertake. Are those risks linked to the task or activity, the equipment, or the environment? Could the risk be minimised simply by being aware of it? If not, can the risk be reduced by other means, training to use equipment for example, or moving the task to a different environment or performing it at a different time?
Would wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) reduce the risk, such as aprons, masks, or gloves?
As a support provider or volunteer be sure you are physically able to perform the tasks you are being asked to complete.
If you are asked to drive or be driven in a car by the person you support, are you confident that the vehicle and any related arrangements are safe, and that the vehicle is appropriately insured?
Positive risk-taking enables us to do the things that matter to us by identifying and managing associated risks to enable us to perform the activity more safely.
We can never eliminate all risks though and trying to do so will only deny people opportunities and reduce choice and control over our lives.
Consider using a Risk Assessment tool to help you think about and record risks and how they can be managed. Risks arise all the time so remember to revisit and update the assessment in “Support Planner” regularly.
Capacity and Consent
Tribe recognises that we all have a fundamental right to make our own decisions, even unwise ones, whilst accepting that for some, in certain situations, that might not be possible, and we might need to act in their best interests.
Personal autonomy is something we all hold dear, and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 tells us our starting point must always be that any adult (16+ years), is assumed to have the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves, unless it can be shown otherwise.
When thinking about a person’s capacity to make a decision or to give their consent to something, the discussion must be decision specific, i.e., we can never say someone lacks the capacity to make all or any decisions, only that they lack capacity to make this decision at this time.
Everyone should be supported to make their own decisions as far as possible, whether that is by presenting information to them in different ways or at times of the day when they are more alert, for example.
Most of the time people will be able to make informed decisions about everyday things like what to wear or what to eat, but some might struggle to weigh up the pros and cons of more complex decisions like where to live, or whether to receive support. In those situations the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) says those closest to the person and most knowledgeable about the decision, e.g., a GP if the decision is health related, should decide based on what would be in the person’s best interests. This should always include consideration of what the person themselves would have wanted had they been able to make the decision for themselves at that time.
Any decisions should also be balanced and not risk averse, just because someone cannot verbalise a decision about their support doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done (see Positive Risk Taking at Standard 5).
There are some decisions no-one else can make on behalf of another, such as whether to enter into a sexual relationship or get married, but the MCA is intended to prevent anyone caring for a person who lacks the capacity to make a decision about their support from being ‘overly restrictive or controlling’.
When someone cannot make a decision about their support needs and how they should be met, their families, friends, or health or social care professionals, independent mental capacity advocates (IMCAs), deputies or attorneys will help them, and paid support providers might therefore have more contact with families in the design of a service agreement and risk assessment than they would otherwise.
Despite needing some support with bigger decisions, support providers should still respect the person’s right to express their everyday preferences, and always check that someone is happy for a task to be performed in a certain way at a certain time.
First Aid, Essential Health, and Safety
Although Tribe does not employ volunteers or support providers directly, we have a responsibility in making sure reasonable care is taken to prevent causing harm to others in the community. As a volunteer or support provider, you have a duty of care to all those receiving help. This means promoting wellbeing and making sure that people are kept safe from harm, abuse and injury.
Tribe believes there are some essentials we should all be aware of to keep ourselves and others safe and well.
It’s helpful for those using Tribe to have some knowledge of essential first aid.
Support providers might also need to know about first aid specific to the people they support, such as how to respond to a seizure or diabetes.
Tribe recommends having an up-to-date list of emergency contact numbers handy and a list of current medications to share with the emergency services.
Where appropriate support providers might help someone to prepare a hospital passport, a document telling hospital staff how someone’s needs should be met in the event of admission. Hospital passports are more commonly used by people with learning disabilities but can be a useful tool for anyone who might find it difficult to explain how their needs should be met.
COVID-19 has changed life for us all and for those who are clinically vulnerable there is still a risk. Good hand hygiene is vital, as is regularly cleaning frequently used touch points and using personal protective equipment (PPE) where necessary.
Tribe will expect everyone who uses the Platform to declare their COVID vaccination status to support decision making by those seeking and offering support.
The Tribe Platform contains information on current government guidelines around COVID and best practice on infection prevention and control.
Other things to consider might include the place where support is being delivered, is it safe and free from hazards?
Is any equipment to be used suitable and properly maintained?
Are there any animals in the space that you need to be aware of?
Always be aware of essential food hygiene to make sure food is stored and prepared safely.
If you are asked to drive or accompany the person you support to hospital and other appointments, are you satisfied that the car is in good condition and appropriately insured?
Health and safety measures are necessary to help protect everyone, but Tribe recognises they also need to be proportionate: What is a workplace for one person is a home for another.
It is everyone's duty to make sure they follow health and safety guidelines to make sure we provide a safe environment in your Tribe Community.
Tribe sets out health and safety policies and procedures to help you remain safe when providing or receiving support in your community. You should always refer to the Tribe Terms of Service and Community Guidelines for guidance on yours and others health and safety.
If you are a volunteer, working on behalf a voluntary organisation, please also refer to their individual guidance.
Please familiarise yourself with our Health and Safety Guide before carrying out any work in your community.
All volunteers and support providers should be made aware of, and instructed and trained to ensure that they understand the fire precautions applicable to the building and the action to be taken in the event of a fire. The aim should be to ensure that all volunteers and support providers received instruction appropriate to their responsibilities in the event of an emergency. Homes in the community are not subject to inspections and registration but fire training is equally important.
Each year 700 people die from fire in their own home. A further 14000 are injured. The best way to avoid danger is to prevent fire starting in the first place.
Please see our Fire Awareness Guide to make sure you are compliant in your duties when carrying out work in the community.
Infection and infectious diseases in humans are caused when harmful germs, known as pathogens (or pathogenic micro-organisms), enter the body and grow. These micro-organisms are so small they can only be seen by using a microscope.
Infectious diseases, unlike other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, can spread from person to person. As with all illnesses, prevention is better than cure. Following agreed ways of working that stop the spread of pathogens can help to prevent and control infection.
Please see our Infection Prevention & Control Guide to make sure you are compliant in your duties when carrying out work in the community.
Safeguarding is a term used to describe the abuse or neglect of someone who might find it harder to protect themselves because of their age, frailty, or health or support needs. Tribe is committed to ensuring everyone who uses the Platform remains safe and that any incidents of abuse or neglect are raised and responded to quickly.
Being free from abuse is a fundamental human right for everyone and Tribe expects everyone to evidence safeguarding learning on the Tribe Learning Portal.
Evidence of safeguarding learning could include uploading a certificate of completion. Support providers may need to complete local safeguarding learning, that includes specific local policies and procedures and Tribe encourages providers to upload these to their profile.
The Care Act 2014 identifies abuse and neglect as including:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological abuse including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation etc
- Financial or material abuse
- Neglect or neglect by omission where people are deprived directly or indirectly of essentials like food, clothing, heating, and medicine
- Self-neglect arises where someone is unable or unwilling to care for themselves to the point where their health is at risk
- Domestic abuse refers to controlling, coercive, threatening, or violent behaviour, including honour-based violence, between people aged 16+ who are or were intimate partners or family members
- Discriminatory abuse is where people are treated unequally because of their age, disability, gender, or other protected characteristic
- Modern Slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude
- Organisational or institutional abuse includes neglect and poor care within a specific care setting, or in relation to care provided in one’s own home.
If you see or experience abuse or neglect tell us about it using the Resolution Centre and select “Safeguarding” and provide as much information as you can.
Where possible check with the person you believe is experiencing abuse or neglect before you raise the alarm to check they are happy for you to do so, but if you believe they are too afraid or lack the mental capacity to understand they are being harmed or to give their permission, report your concern anyway. Providers should be aware of the Making Safeguarding Personal principles and “no decision about me, without me”.
If you are the victim of abuse or neglect please tell us so we can investigate and ask the right authorities to help you.
If the perpetrator is someone else on Tribe we will consider suspending them, pending the outcome of an investigation or removing them to prevent further harm to you and others.
We will inform the local authority safeguarding team who will make enquiries and might refer the matter (with your consent) to the Police if it appears an offence has been committed, or to the DBS for inclusion on the barred list to prevent the person from working with children or people who are considered ‘at risk’ in the future.
If you see or experience something that puts you or someone else in immediate danger, call 999 and report it to the Police or if you or someone else has already been hurt, seek urgent medical attention.
Comments, Compliments and Complaints
Tribe welcomes feedback. We believe your feedback will help us to improve the quality of the service we offer and help to keep those using the Platform safe.
We expect all support providers on Tribe to have their own compliments, complaints, disputes and feedback policy and we may ask to see this as part of the verification process.
Thinking through how complaints and disputes will be brought to your attention will reassure those you support that you are open to feedback, that you take it seriously and are willing to learn from it.
Complaints can sometimes be misunderstandings or personality clashes that can often be easily overcome.
At other times complaints might relate to poor practice and inviting feedback about this will allow you to apologise and put things right.
Having a clear process will offer you a framework for responding to feedback and help you to settle complaints and disputes more quickly.
Do not forget that feedback can often be positive comments, something not only to celebrate but just as important to learn from – if it’s working well – do more of it!
Tribe will actively invite people receiving support via the Platform to give feedback at key points, e.g., shortly after they start receiving support or when it ends.
The Tribe Resolution Centre is a facility for everyone to provide feedback.
We will use our technology to collate feedback and to identify trends and patterns of activity that might suggest a problem with particular individuals or services.
Some complaints might lead Tribe to recommend specific learning or mentoring.
Other complaints, especially repeated complaints, could result in Tribe suspending or removing someone from the Platform.
Tribe has a separate dispute resolution process for those who disagree with our decision to suspend or remove them from the Platform. Where someone has been removed from the Platform because of a safeguarding concern (see Safeguarding), there will be no right of appeal.
Diversity & Inclusion
Tribe is fully committed to respecting and valuing differences and expects everyone who joins the Platform to offer or receive support, to do the same.
We recognise that everyone has unique characteristics as well as diverse beliefs and cultures. These differences contribute to rich, diverse, multicultural communities that should be valued and nurtured.
The Equality Act 2010 identifies nine ‘protected characteristics’ and outlaws discrimination against anyone who falls in to one of these categories:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage or civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
‘Associative discrimination’ can also occur, which is where a person experiences discrimination because of their association with someone with one of the protected characteristics.
We believe anyone giving or receiving support should be able to freely express their whole selves, to have the time and space to worship as they choose or to love who they wish.
We believe anyone disadvantaged by a society unwilling to adapt to the needs of individuals with physical or cognitive impairments, hidden disabilities like mental ill health or any other protected characteristic, should be supported to retain or regain control of their lives and to live their very best lives.
We are committed to being an ally by actively speaking up, standing up and joining the fight for others where there’s inequality, injustice and bias linked to race, ethnicity, and disability.
Tribe supports the Social Care Futures vision.
Contact us
You can contact us by mail, email or the Tribe Resolution Centre located in the Tribe app